Nakiyingi Lydia, 24, is a single mother of one child. She resides in Nakasongola District, Kalongo Sub County’s Mayirikiti Village. Lydia was taken through vocational training and acquired skills in tailoring under NFM2 and is now a competent tailor. Through guidance on saving, Lydia was able to save UGX 350,000 thanks to her peer leaders’ savings education, which money she then used to buy a second tailoring machine worth UGX 250,000, she is using it to train other AGYWs. She runs a vegetable stand in her shop in addition to specializing in the sale of “bitenge,” or African print cloth, and establishing a charcoal business. In order to start raising livestock, she has also invested UGX 500,000 in a bull and a piglet. She is currently in a new relationship and practicing safe sex and family planning, after separating from her husband as a result of GBV issues.
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