Baylor College of Medicine
Children’s Foundation - Uganda

Road to Recovery – An MDR Survivors’ Tale

Wilson Apedoi had been coughing and was fatigued for months. His chest hurt and he suffered from heavy breathing and night sweats. Assuming the cough was a common cough, Apedoi failed to visit a health center for treatment.

The peasant farmer of Kaleko Village, Akisimi Parish, Kanyumu sub-county, Butebo District grew weak and soon became bedridden and unproductive. His condition soon took a toll on the family resources as his wife spent more time nursing him.

In March 2022 the Ministry of Health announced the first phase of CAST TB campaign aimed at increase TB aware and access to TB screening services at the community level. USAID Local Partner Health Services- Eastern (LPHS-E) Activity, implemented by Baylor-Uganda, worked with district local governments to implement the campaign in four districts.

USAID LPHS-E facilitated Butebo Health Centre IV staff to conduct community contact tracing under the Community Awareness, Screening, Testing and Treatment to end TB and Leprosy (CAST TB) campaign in Kanyumu sub county. A sputum sample taken from Apodoi revealed that he was suffering from multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB. Since Apedoi needed urgent care, he was transferred to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, where he received treatment for one month. When his condition improved, he was sent home for further treatment. Butebo HC IV was charged with continuing his treatment and monitoring progress of his adherence.

Soon, Apedoi’s condition normalized. The chest pain disappeared and he returned to his farming duties. He can now take care of his family better.

“I am grateful to USAID for the help they gave me. I encourage whoever is out there with a persistent cough to get checked out as they may be sitting on a time bomb,” says Apedoi.

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